About Us
Southern Obedience Dog Club (SODC) was formed in June 1958. The Club has an excellent reputation within the Dog Obedience fraternity due to its purpose built facilities and quality operations. As far as we can ascertain it is the only Club in Victoria to own its own grounds.

The Club is managed by a group of volunteers elected annually who are always willing to listen to any suggestions or complaints from members and will assist in any way possible.
The current Club Board of Management are:
Vice President
Assistant Treasurer
Board Members
Ann Holt
Keith Baskin
Maree Brann
Ross Carlson
Birdie Carlson
Sue Kovach, Les Kovach, Sue Brotchie, Tracy Mitchell, David Brann, Cheryl Harper
The fully fenced five acre property and clubrooms at Soden Road Bangholme was purchased in 1973 and is completely owned by the Club. This ensures that members have readily available facilities for training their dogs. In November 1979 the Club was incorporated as a Community Advancement Society which enabled the Club to function for the benefit of all members, run by the members.
Within the complex, the following areas are also available for members use:
specific sections that are fully fenced for agility and puppy training which can also be used by members to free run their dogs separately to the main area outside of training classes
members who have multiple dogs can use the pens on training days to secure their dogs whilst they are in training classes
some obedience and jump equipment always available in the front rings.
The grounds are available for hire for only dog related events. On training nights we have flood lighting but members can purchase a token to use the lights on other nights.
Life Members
The Club's success is due to the dedication of its members and their passion for responsible dog ownership. We have quite a few Life Members who continually support the Club in any way they can.
Incorporated Association
Late June 2019, the Department of Justice Victoria confirmed the migration of the Southern Obedience Dog Club to an incorporated association operating under the attached set of rules.